Living the dream, Chapter 2: The End of a Sport?

These guys are the future.
By Marcus Brown
Why aren’t we changing the rules to allow us, as individuals and role models, to be the best example of what we want our kids to be when they grow up? In a system where we lean on the judges call, I don’t think that a person who accepts the judges call to grant a re-ride can be crucified for doing so. They are playing by the same rules you are playing by. If the rule is you have to go around the buoy, then I don’t think you should get credit for not going around a buoy…..even if the judge “gives” it to you.
To me, those situations are chances to lead by example… Add a rule –> Change the system –> Change the paradigm ….and we give ourselves a chance to change lives and individuals for the better…forever. That’s pretty powerful. Who’s with me? I’m willing to take this to USA Water Ski & IWWF….just need to feel like I’m not the only one….
These guys are the future: We only get to guide them for a short time….what lessons do we want to leave them with? Oh, and maybe next year we spend a bit less on Big Dawg finals lights, and a bit more on giving the best Junior Skiers in the country a bit better banquet than a stuffy room with a bunch of tightly packed chairs facing 1 direction. You know, something they can look forward to…
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