Quiz: Men’s Trickers to Score More than 10,000 points in 2020 Two skiers scored over 12,000 in 2020.
The Future of Tricks | Waterski Journal Tricks are for kids. Or at least that's what one might think when examining the last decade of competitive trick skiing.
The Enigma: In Search of the Elusive Jaime Beauchesne | Waterski Journal Freddie Winter puts the spotlight on a man who played by no one else's rules but his own.
Watch: Collegiate Waterskiing | FlowPoint TV This is what you feel when you mix waterskiing and college.
Sex Misconduct Report Shows Limits of SafeSport’s Reach | Washington Post This group is supposed to handle Olympic sex abuse complaints. A report shows its limits.
Watch: InFlight – The WaterSki Fly Movie | InFlight InFlight shines a spotlight on the journeys of the jumpers united by the same goal - taking waterski jumping to the next level
Waterskiing, Wakeboarding, and the IWWF | BallOfSpray The IWWF is the international governing body for all things waterski, but what do they actually do?
Dear Water Skiing | Waterski Magazine Water skiing is not dying. The box that we've tried to put it in, however, is collapsing.
Why Don’t More Women Water Ski? | Waterski Magazine Here's a challenge for you: Go to a water-ski tournament and count how many women you see.
Watch: Paradise Lost | FlowPoint TV The days of Water Skiing on ESPN have faded... like the fluorescent colors of the 80's...
The Way Forward | Marcus Brown I'm worried about the future of Water Skiing. The sport can grow again....but the mentality and paradigm need to change.
Living the Dream, Chapter 2: The End of a Sport? | Marcus Brown These guys are the future: We only get to guide them for a short time.