Winter Garden Water Ski

Quiz: Sites with the Most 10.25s (41 offs) Run since 2010


Quiz: Sites with the most 10.25s (41 offs) run since 2010

Winter Garden Water Ski

Image: @wintergardenwaterski


4 minute play

In this quiz, you need to name the waterski sites with the most 10.25 meters run since 2010.

The list has 24 sites from all around the world. We have set the cut off at five slalom scores through 10.25 meters (41′ off) in world ranking tournaments since 2010. The list is dominated by the USA, where over 80% of 41s have been run. We have mentioned the country/state/province, as well as the number of scores through 10.25m/41′ in the mentioned time period.

Data updated as of October 31, 2023

Emma Sheers Waterski Jumping

Quiz: Every Woman to Jump More Than 55 Meters (180 feet)


Quiz: Every woman to jump more than 55 meters (180 feet)

Women’s Jump during the Moomba Water Skiing event held at The Yarra River, March 6, 1999 (image: Getty Images)


3 minute play

In this quiz, you need to name all the female skiers who have jumped more than 55 meters (180 feet).

The list has 13 skiers, all of whom belong to the exclusive club of women who have jumped 55 meters at least once in a world ranking tournament. five out of the 13 skiers held the world record at some point in their careers. We have mentioned the number of jumps over 55 meters, as well as the country and top score.

Data updated as of October 31, 2023

Stillwater Palm Bay

Quiz: Sites with the Most 70 meter (230′) Jumps since 2010


Quiz: Sites with the most 70 meter (230′) jumps since 2010

Ryan Dodd breaks world jump record behind record-breaking Ski Nautique 200! (image: Correct Craft)


4 minute play

In this quiz, you need to name the waterski sites with the most 70 meter jumps since 2010.

The list has 22 sites, all of whom have been home to at least one 70 meter (230 foot) jump in a world ranking tournament since 2010. This list represents the greatest jump sites in the world. We have mentioned the country, top score, as well as the number of scores over 230 feet in the mentioned time period.

Data updated as of October 31, 2023

Overall World Champion Jaret Llewellyn

Quiz: Every Men’s Overall World Champion in the Last 40 Years


Quiz: Every men’s overall world champion in the last 40 years

Image: Alberta Sports Hall of Fame


4 minute play

In this quiz, you need to remember all the male skiers who have won a world overall title since 1981.

The list has just nine skiers, all of whom have won the title at least once. While the quiz might seem easy, there’s a catch – you have to guess them in chronological order. We’ve given you the skiers’ country as a hint. Good luck!

Karina Nowlan Slalom Skiing

Quiz: Every Woman to Run 10.75 Meters (39.5 off)


Quiz: Every woman to run 10.75 meters (39.5 off)

Image: Mommer


3 minute play

In this quiz, you need to name all the female skiers who have run 10.75 meters (39.5 off).

The list has twelve skiers, all of whom belong to the exclusive club of women who have run 10.75 meters at least once in a world ranking tournament. The skier at the top of the list has run the pass an incredible 361 times. We have mentioned the number of 10.75 meters run, as well as the country and top score.

Data updated as of October 31, 2023

Britta Grebe Llewellyn Water Ski Jump

Quiz: Most Consecutive European Women’s Titles


Quiz: Most consecutive European women’s titles

Britta Grebe Llewellyn Water Ski Jump

Image: Athletes Soul


July 25, 2023

5 minute play

In this quiz, you have to name the female skiers with the most consecutive European titles of all time.

The list contains twenty-one skiers, all of whom have won at least three consecutive European championships. An Austrian jumper with a seven year winning streak in the 1990s sits on top of this list. We have mentioned their country, the event and years of their consecutive titles.

Charlie Ross Slalom Skiing

Quiz: Every Man Under 20 to Run 10.75 Meters (39.5 off)


Quiz: Every man under 20 to run 10.75 meters (39.5 off)

Charlie Ross Slalom Skiing

Image: @_minq_kim


6 minute play

In this quiz, you need to name all the male skiers under 20 years old who have run 10.75 meters (39.5 off).

The list has 31 skiers, all of whom belong to the exclusive club of men who have run 10.75 meters at least once in a world ranking tournament while under twenty years old. For the purposes of this quiz, age is measured in ski years, which means the skiers age on January 1st of the year the score was achieved. You have six minutes to guess as many as you can. We have mentioned their country, as well as their year of birth and top score.

Data updated as of July 16, 2023

Aliaksei Zharnasek Trick Skiing

Quiz: Longest Held Men’s World Records of All Time


Quiz: Longest held men’s world records of all time

Image: World Water Skiers


5 minute play

In this quiz, you need to name the men to have held an open world record for the longest time.

The list has twenty-two record streaks, we have set the cut off at three consecutive years of holding the world record, with most of the skiers breaking the record multiple times during their streaks. Five skiers have held the world record for longer than ten years. We have mentioned the event, consecutive years the record was held, as well as the highest score during the streak.

Data updated as of July 1, 2023

Kristi Overton Johnson Slalom Skiing

Quiz: Longest Held Women’s World Records of All Time


Quiz: Longest held women’s world records of all time

Image: In His Wakes


5 minute play

In this quiz, you need to name the women to have held an open world record for the longest time.

The list has nineteen record streaks, we have set the cut off at three consecutive years of holding the world record, with most of the skiers breaking the record multiple times during their streaks. The skier at the top of the list held the women’s trick record for an incredible 17 years and 11 months. We have mentioned the event, consecutive years the record was held, as well as the highest score during the streak.

Data updated as of July 1, 2023

Iris Cambray Trick Skiing

Quiz: Female Skiers with Multiple Under 21 World Titles


Quiz: Female skiers with multiple Under 21 World titles

Iris Cambray Trick Skiing

Image: Thomas Jouhannaud


June 8, 2023

3 minute play

In this quiz, you have to name the female skiers who have won more than one Under 21 World title.

The list contains seven skiers, all of whom have won at least two Under 21 World titles since the first event in 2003. Most of the names will be recognizable as current professional skiers. We have mentioned their country, along with the year(s) of their Under 21 World titles, and number of titles.