Patricio Font trick skiing in familiarization for the 2023 U21 Worlds

Quiz: Trick Skiers to Score More than 10,000 points in 2023


Quiz: Every trick skier to score more than 10,000 points in 2023

Patricio Font trick skiing in familiarization for the 2023 U21 Worlds

Image: @fotografacamilabernal


5 minute play

In this quiz, you need to name all the skiers, male or female, who scored more than 10,000 points in 2023.

The list has 27 skiers, all of whom tricked over 10,000 points at least once in a world ranking tournament in 2023. Although the list is dominated by men, there are five women on the list, three of whom tricked over 11,000 points in 2023. We have mentioned the number of scores over 10,000, as well as the country and top score in the mentioned time period.

Data updated as of October 31, 2023

Regina Jaquess waterski jumping at the 2023 WWS Florida Cup

Quiz: Every Woman to Jump 50 Meters (164 feet) in 2023


Quiz: Every woman to jump 50 meters (164 feet) in 2023

Regina Jaquess waterski jumping at the 2023 WWS Florida Cup

Image: @johnnyhayward_photo


3 minute play

In this quiz, you need to name all the female skiers who jumped more than 50 meters in 2023.

The list has 11 skiers, all of whom jumped over 50 meters (164 feet) at least once in a world ranking tournament in 2023. Only two female skiers scored over 55 meters (180 feet) in 2023, and one of them achieved this feat over 25 times. We have mentioned the number of scores over 50 meters, as well as the country and top score in the mentioned time period.

Data updated as of October 31, 2023

Nikki Attensam of Austria slalom skiing at the U21 World Championships

Quiz: Every Man to Run 10.75m (39.5′ off) in 2023


Quiz: Every man to run 10.75m (39.5′ off) in 2023

Nikki Attensam of Austria slalom skiing at the U21 World Championships

Image: @fotografacamilabernal


6 minute play

In this quiz, you need to name all the male skiers who ran 10.75m (39.5 off) or better in 2023.

The list has 50 skiers, all of whom ran 10.75 meters at 58 kph (36 mph) at least once in a world ranking tournament in 2023. Four skiers achieved scores into 9.75 meters (43′ off). We have mentioned the number of times the pass was ran, as well as the country and top score in the mentioned time period.

Data updated as of October 31, 2023.

@teamcanski athlete @tdaigle_ski jumps at the 2023 IWWF world waterski championships

Quiz: Every Man to Jump 200 feet (60.9 meters) in 2023


Quiz: Every man to jump 200 feet (60.9 meters) in 2023

@teamcanski athlete @tdaigle_ski jumps at the 2023 IWWF world waterski championships

Image: @johnnyhayward_photo


5 minute play

In this quiz, you need to name all the skiers who jumped more than 200 feet in 2023.

The list has 33 skiers, all of whom jumped over 200 feet (60.9 meters) at least once in a world ranking tournament in 2023. Five skiers scored over 70 meters (230 feet) in 2023. We have mentioned the number of scores over 200 feet, as well as the country and top score in the mentioned time period.

Data updated as of October 31, 2023

Little Germany's slalom PB at the 2023 WWS Florida Cup

Quiz: Every Woman to Run 11.25m (38′ off) in 2023


Quiz: Every woman to run 11.25m (38′ off) in 2023

Image: @johnnyhayward_photo


5 minute play

In this quiz, you need to name all the female slalom skiers who ran 11.25m (38′ off) or better in 2023.

The list has 32 skiers, all of whom ran 11.25 meters at least once in a world ranking tournament in 2023. A combined total of over 400 11-meter passes were completed by female skiers throughout the season. We have mentioned the number of times the pass was ran, as well as the country and top score in the mentioned time period.

Data updated as of October 31, 2023.

Aaliyah Yoong trick skiing

Quiz: Female Skiers with the Highest Trick Score by Country


Quiz: Female skiers with the highest trick score by country

Aaliyah Yoong trick skiing

Image: @tesathailand


3 minute play

In this quiz, you need to name the female skiers with the highest trick scores by country.

The list has 13 skiers, all of whom have tricked over 8,000 points at least once in a world ranking tournament. Remarkably, over a third of these national records were set in 2023. We have mentioned the country, as well as top score and year it was achieved.

Data updated as of October 31, 2023

Nikolas Plytas Waterski Trick

Quiz: Male Skiers with the Highest Trick Score by Country


Quiz: Male skiers with the highest trick score by country

Nikolas Plytas Waterski Trick

Image: @alexgrymanis


5 minute play

In this quiz, you need to name the skiers with the highest trick scores by country.

The list has 23 skiers, all of whom have tricked over 9,000 points at least once in a world ranking tournament. Remarkably, over a third of these national records were set in 2023. We have mentioned the country, as well as top score and year it was achieved.

Data updated as of October 31, 2023

Tim Bradstreet Waterski Jump

Quiz: U17 Boys to Jump 55 Meters (180 feet) since 2010


Quiz: U17 Boys to jump 55 meters (180 feet) since 2010


4 minute play

In this quiz, you need to name all the skiers to jump over 55 meters while still skiing as juniors since 2010.

The list has 21 skiers, all of whom jumped in excess of 55 meters (180 feet) in a world ranking tournament at least once since 2010. The distances were achieved at a maximum boat speed of 51 kph (31.7 mph) and off a five and half foot ramp. We have mentioned the country and top score in the mentioned time period.

Data updated as of October 31, 2023

Jutta Lammi Waterski Jumping

Quiz: Female Skiers with the Highest Jump Score by Country


Quiz: Female skiers with the highest jump score by country

Image: Lempäälän-Vesilahden Sanomat


5 minute play

In this quiz, you need to name the female skiers with the highest jump scores by country.

The list has 19 skiers from 18 countries, all of whom have jumped over 50 meters (164 feet) at least once in a world ranking tournament. Four of the scores on this list were world records when first achieved. We have mentioned the country, as well as top score and year it was achieved.

Data updated as of October 31, 2023

* Skier was not eligible to represent the USA at the time the score was achieved.

Igor Morozov Waterski Jumping

Quiz: Male Skiers with the Highest Jump Score by Country


Quiz: Male skiers with the highest jump score by country

Image: InFlight


6 minute play

In this quiz, you need to name the skiers with the highest jump scores by country.

The list has 29 skiers, all of whom have jumped over 200 feet (60.9 meters) at least once in a world ranking tournament. Scores range from the current world record all the way down to 61.0m jump from a Belgian skier, better known as a tricker, in 2002. We have mentioned the country, as well as top score and year it was achieved.

Data updated as of October 31, 2023