Joel Poland’s 6th World Record Approved

Image: Johnny Hayward
Great Britain’s waterski superstar, Joel Poland, has done it again. His 6th Open Overall World Record has just been approved.
Joel Poland has now broken the Overall World Record more times than any other skier – male or female. Before his latest record was officially ratified, he had done it 5 times – more than any man and the same number as Natalia Berdnikava. Now he has surpassed them all with record number 6.
It’s his second record of 2024, both of them coming at Ski Fluid near Orlando in Florida, which is also where he set his very first record back in April 2021.
The latest official record was broken at the appropriately-named Fluid Fall Record tournament on 8 September. In round 2, Joel scored 6 at 10.75 metres in slalom, 12,160 points in tricks and jumped 69.8 metres. That amounts to 2686.34 points.
Joel went on to break the world record again just a couple of weeks later at the Travers Cup but that is still being reviewed by the IWWF, so watch this space.
Few would bet against Joel breaking the record again – and again. He has higher slalom and jump scores than those achieved for his 6th record and he has put in consistently strong performances across all three events throughout the season. At the weekend he was crowned Champion of the 2024 World Water Skiers (WWS) Overall Tour, having won all four stops.
And Joel is still only 25 years old!
Congratulations Joel. We can’t wait to see what you can do in 2025, which just happens to be a World Championships year.